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Алёша, 45 - 16 декабря 2007 15:57

Hello mates , i m here again and my next post is goona be here all right.Have nor been here for sometimes, so... I m going for my bussiness trip 2day, not so far, Vologda to be precise.
Havent decided what to do to make fun for meeting New Year holidays))) Might be with my friends... Hope its gonna be fun.
Ok then, but what about she ( see my previous post wrote in July). I d say nothing, its all over . She is so obscure, strange sometimes for me... She s got the friend, may be even the boy friend, and tells me she likes me. What does she want i dont know,even she's kidding me i'd say she's sweety, i liked her but anyways it does not matter coz its all over.
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